The Artist’s Palette
The photos on this site feature my paintings, photographs and sketches throughout the years.
My art includes watercolor, oil and acrylic paintings, ink and pencil drawings, murals, mosaics and travel sketches.
It gives me great pleasure to bring my travel photographs to life with landscapes and bright colors. Detailed floral paintings have become one of my favorite subjects. Painting puts me in my “happy zone”. My home is my studio.
I hope to carry on the artistic traditions of my Italian family. Salute e benvenuto all’artista tavola.
“Chi lavora con le sue mani è un lavoratore, chi lavora con le sue mani e la testa è un artigiano, chi lavora con le sue mani, la sua testa ed il suo cuore è un artista…”
‘San Francesco d’Assisi’
For more information on each artwork click on the image.
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All images are copyrighted.